Data Repository

Every month the Forest Foresight Global team creates predictions for all countries between 30 degrees north and south latitude. The predictions can be downloaded directly.

1. Direct Download from AWS S3 Bucket

Forest Foresight predictions are stored in a public AWS S3 bucket, providing flexible and powerful access options for users with varying technical expertise. Instructions on how to connect to a public S3 bucket can be found here: Downloading Forest Foresight data . The bucket details and structure are as follows:

  • Bucket Name: forestforesight-public

  • Region: eu-west-1

  • Structure:

    • Root folder: 'predictions'

    • Subfolders: ISO-3 country codes (e.g., 'BRA', 'IDN', 'COD')

    • File naming convention: [ISO-3 CODE]_[YYYY-MM-DD].tif

For example, a prediction file for Brazil for January 1, 2024, would be located at:

This structure allows for easy navigation and retrieval of country-specific predictions over time.

[The rest of the methods (R package, GUI-based FTP clients, AWS CLI, Python with boto3, Direct HTTP Access) remain largely the same, with updates to reflect the correct file structure]

2. Using GUI-based FTP Clients

On this page we explain in detail how to connect to the ForestForesight repository with Cyberduck. If you want to use a different FTP client, please find resources on how to connect to public S3 buckets for that

  1. Navigate to the 'forestforesight-public' bucket, then to the 'predictions' folder, and finally to the specific country folder (e.g., 'BRA')

3. Using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

Example commands:

# List contents of the predictions folder aws s3 ls s3://forestforesight-public/predictions/ --no-sign-request # List predictions for a specific country aws s3 ls s3://forestforesight-public/predictions/BRA/ --no-sign-request # Download all predictions for a country aws s3 sync s3://forestforesight-public/predictions/BRA/ ./local_folder --no-sign-request # Download a specific prediction file aws s3 cp s3://forestforesight-public/predictions/BRA/BRA_2024-01-01.tif ./local_folder --no-sign-request

4. Using Python with boto3


Example script:

import boto3 s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name='eu-west-1') # List contents of a country folder response = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket='forestforesight-public', Prefix='predictions/BRA/') for obj in response['Contents']: print(obj['Key']) # Download a specific file s3.download_file('forestforesight-public', 'predictions/BRA/BRA_2024-01-01.tif', 'local_prediction.tif')

5 Direct HTTP Access

For simple, one-off downloads, users can access files directly through their web browser using the S3 HTTP URL format:

<[ISO-3> CODE]/[ISO-3 CODE]_[YYYY-MM-DD].tif

For example:
