Downloading Forest Foresight data
If we want to train a model or predict with a trained model we will need input data. ForestForesight has created a lot of features that can be used as input. To use the ff_sync function, you'll need to have R installed along with the ForestForesight package. Here's how to use it:
library(ForestForesight)# this will load the FF library and the variables in the config.yml file
# Make sure you have run ff_environment previously,
# if not you have to set the parameter download_folder yourself
download_folder <- Sys.getenv("FF_FOLDER")
#if the previous line returns empty it means your system environment variables were not set. You can then create a folder
#somewhere in your file explorer and use the following line to select that folder:
download_folder <- choose.dir()
# Choose an identifier (country code, tile ID, or SpatVector).
identifier <- "PER" # Example: Peru
identifier <- vect(file.choose()) # Make sure this is a valid SpatVector object.
# Part 1: Download only predictions
ff_folder = download_folder,
identifier = identifier,
download_data = FALSE, # Don't download input data
download_groundtruth = FALSE, # Don't download ground truth
download_predictions = TRUE, # Only download predictions
date_start = "2023-01-01" # Only download data since 2023
# check the folder in your file explorer to see that in your download_folder there is now a download folder called predictions
# which contains tif files for predictions for every month since the start date for the selected country or the countries
# within the selected area
# Part 2: Download complete dataset
ff_folder = download_folder,
identifier = identifier,
features = "small model", # Download model-related features
download_data = TRUE, # Download input data
download_groundtruth = TRUE, # Download ground truth
download_predictions = FALSE, # Download predictions
download_model = TRUE, # Download the model
date_start = "2023-01-01" # Only download data since 2023
# check that now also a folder called preprocessed and a folder called models has been created. These contain
# groundtruth data, preprocessed model input data and a pretrained model.
# check all the other available options of ff_sync
For more information about the config file please refer to the configuration page here Open-Source Contribution .
This will download the preprocessed data, model, and predictions for Laos or for the shape that you selected earlier in Loading the Area Of Interest (AOI) to the specified folder.
In the image below we explain the folder structure that was created.
Remember that the ForestForesight dataset is large (about 1GB per tile of 10x10 degrees and increasing over time), so downloading might take a while depending on your internet connection and how much data you're fetching.