Dashboard Manual

Dashboard Manual

Forest Foresight develops dashboards to show their predictions on a WRI map application. An example of such a dashboard can be found here as a dasboard for Bolivia. If you want such a dashboard for your predictions, let us know through the Contact page and we can see what we can work out.

Base layers

The dashboard has a number of base layers. The ones not from Forest Foresight are shown in all the tabs except the one called predictions. To learn more about a layer, press the image-20241108-111935.png icon next to the layer





Forest Foresight layers

We publish four layers from Forest Foresight ourselves. All the other layers that are not part of the base layers will also be put here. The other layers can either come from a request by the main user and can be provided as shapefiles to our team or if available directly from the ArcGIS Online or Living Atlas repositories from ArcGIS Online. To learn more about the latter, have a look here: External Resources .

Risk Map



The risk map shows all of the areas of 0.0004 degrees (about 400x400 meters) with as a color the certainty that such a prediction will come true (as in, some deforestation will be observed by the GFW integrated alerts) in the next six months. The more red the area, the higher the likelihood. The dataset itself is a Vector Tile Map. This means it cannot be filtered or interacted with, only viewed.

Medium, High and Very High Risk Areas

These three layers are a result of 1. filtering, 2. polygonizing and 3. simplifying the abovementoined Risk Map. Since they are a feature service they can be interacted with by clicking and filtering. Depending on the resources of the organization doing interventions we recommend using the appropriate Risk level for their daily operations as a data source.




Light yellow: medium risk areas, Dark yellow: high risk areas, Red: very high risk areas



A tutorial on how to use the tools on this dashboard can be found here. Since it is a WRI/GFW dashboard, any changes to the functionality (so not the layers) of the dashboard made by WRI will automatically be implemented in our dashboards as well. This is why we do not maintain a manual for the dashboard ourselves.


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